About Us |
2013 - Cooperation with Racom s.r.o
Establishing of our formal cooperation with Racom s.r.o
www.racom.eu |

2011 - Cooperation with Red Phase Instruments Pty Ltd
Establishing of our formal cooperation with Red Phase Instruments Pty Ltd
www.redphase.com.au |
2010 - Cooperation with Von Corporation
Establishing of our formal cooperation with Von Corporation
www.voncorp.com |
2004 - Cooperation with G&W Electric Co
Establishing our formal cooperation with G&W Electric Company
www.gwelec.com |
Establishing our formal cooperation with Young Hwa Industrial Electric Co Ltd
www.yhiec.co.kr |
1991 - Jakarta
Our company headquarters moved to Jakarta as its headquarters.
1972 - Banjarmasin
Our company started as a small power contracting company that builds distribution network in the small town of Banjarmasin, South Borneo.